Kamis, 25 Juni 2009


Yes, believe it or not, you are!! Why do I say so? Because being a masochist is a basic humanly human characteristic. So, if you're parents are real humans, they surely have traces of this pityful trait. And since they're seeds met and combined and then spawned into you, you actually inherited it too. That makes you a masochist by nature.

For those who don't now what a masochist is:::

mas·och·ism (ms-kzm)
1. The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused.
2. The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.
3. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences.

masoch·ist n.
masoch·istic adj.
masoch·isti·cal·ly adv.

As seen on the above definitions which I'm quite sure you didn't read, a masochist is a person who sees pain as pleasure. Even though the above explanations are linking this masochism thing as something sexual, I smarty-pantedly can also link this to the "love phenoonema" that has been going on through my friends on my friend list, both on facebook and the real world.

So, a lot of my friends did all these things that indicates them being in a love trouble or some sort (let's call it galau from now on), referring to a note made by this good friend of mine, who is also in a state of galau. So, she said that these dudes and dudettes did the following things:
- listen to mellow songs
- put mellow status on facebook
- thinking of their lover over and over, thus, getting lack of sleep
- making love poems
- write notes on facebook on how tortured they feel on love

Well, my friend there showed the symptoms of this galauness. Well, what I see is that those things my friends did were a clear prove that they truly are a masochist.

I got friends complaining about how this galau thing just troubles their life and how they wish it would go away, but I think they actually kinda enjoyed it.

Lets compare you and this galau thing to a hand and a hot fire. If you put your hand in a fire by accident, you will pull your hand right away, because fire is painful on your skin. But if you feel this galau thing, you don't want to pull away. You still want to stay on that bed waiting till dawn, listening to those ballads, and be galau every second of those times. You want to stay like that because the pain is actually a pleasure. Surprising?

So, masochist trait is in everybody, only the levels are different. Some of you like to be spanked during intercourse, some of you like to get extreme and do bondage and get yourself handcuffed or even get pierced like what i saw in magazines (woops!), or some of you just can't stop thinking about love over and over. Bottomline: You're a masochist!!

So, is there any solution to this self torturing? I don't know. I wish I knew, but it's too comfortable in this bed with these love songs from the stereo. I couldn't care less.

Have fun!

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